photo essay #5 idea (day in the life): following someone who does a lot in one day and photographing them from each place they go to to show the story of the typical day in the life of that person. Ex. photographing somebody that adventures a lot to show the various places they go in day
photo essay #8 ideas (give meaning to street photography):
1) going to a popular spot on a sidewalk in the city early in the morning and photographing with hardly anyone there, photograph late morning with some people there, photographing later that afternoon/morning with a lot of people there, photographing early afternoon with a lot of people there, and photographing late afternoon when there is still a lot of people there but it has died down.
2) going to a spot with a viewpoint that shows a lot of a city and photographing how busy the traffic goes as the day goes on. Ex. early morning with no cars, a little later with a little cars, late morning with some cars, early afternoon with a lot of cars, and late afternoon with a little less cars.
How are you progressing on these ideas? Which one is most intriguing to you and why?